Monday, November 4, 2013

Victoria Ray
ENG 101
Mrs. Hubbard
28 October 2013
Deceiving Looks
            “If you appeal to the crowd, either by being humorous or brutal or eccentric, you gain favor.” (Collins, the Hunger Games). Weather you know it or not, all women and even men have had a hard time fitting in to the poplar crowd. It goes anywhere from eating disorders, weight gaining, and the apparel we wear. But mostly what we humans do lately to impressing someone is what we do, the actions we take, getting in trouble so fare that it messes up our life completely.
            There are so many reasons why we do idiotic things to fit in with group, or to even make a friendship a friendship. PSYBlog blogs about the minds of people and why we act the way we do. One blog that was posted was on the 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies of why we do dumb or irrational things. The first scientific reason is the “halo effect”. The “halo effect” is the judgments we have on celebrities. Because they are very eye catching and attractive and also very likeable we instantly assume they are intelligent, friendly, and they display good judgment and so on and so forth. Just to fit into the “what is popular today” group you have to change everything that you knew yesterday. For some that is easy they really don’t care. For some it’s the biggest thing that will ever happen in their life to them. Making mistakes that could change their life for the “now popular” friendship that will most likely be over tomorrow.

            Ask yourself this; going to jail for those last years in high school is it really worth it? The person you’re trying to impress, would he/she do the same for you? If you are answering no to these questions and you have acted on these questions ounce in your life than that is not nor was not a friend. That was not a group that cared about you and those styles you tried to impress them with did not work, because they did not care at all.

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