Sunday, October 13, 2013

AIrport Screenings

I disagree with MonDesire’s views in “Stripped of More than my clothes”. The main reason is that determining circumstances of any argument involving airline security or customs has changed since 9/11. People view the world and security issues vastly different since this article was written in the late 90’s. Also the authors viewpoint seemed to come from a purely emotional viewpoint rather than logic and reasoning. It seemed the author was mainly against the searches because she was a rape victim. While I’m not trying to make light of any traumatic experience she went through, if we stopped doing a task because of something that offends someone or something that one person went through, the human race would not be doing much at all. The author also seemed to skew statistics to seem in her favor; which in my opinion further invalidates her argument. The changed perspective in the new millennium, her emotional approach to her argument, and less than credible statistics are why I disagree with Daria MonDesire argument.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I agree with MonDesire's you also make a good point that I also agree with so I am very torn!
