“Overhunting/ Overfishing” or known
as “Poaching” is a big reason why conservation laws have been set. Poaching is
when game animals such as deer, bears, fish, or any other game animals have
been hunted or fished for illegally. Poachers often hunting or fish out of
season and take large amounts of the prized animal at a time going over the
limit set which causes a drastic drop in the animal’s population. For an
example poachers will do anything to get the animal that they are after such as
deer they will spot light them so they can get what they are after, they will
illegally bait ducks and turkeys with food plots, and go out of season just to
get what they are hunting for. And there have been certain laws that have been
put into action to help to stop the poachers such as the endangered species
act, the migratory bird treaty, and the wild bird conservation act. The main
act that has been put together for poachers is the endangered species act.
Because it stops poachers from being able to import of animals that are illegal
at the time either they are traded out of the season or the poacher went past
its limit of animals he could kill that day or in that season. Another thing
that the law has put into place is that poachers can’t use certain animal
species for foreign commerce. Even though that poachers contribute to the main
cause that wildlife conservation has been put in place loss of habitat is
another reason that conservation laws have been put into action.
Loss of habitat is destruction of
the animal’s area that surrounds the certain species and they can no longer
survive in that particular area. A major reason why it hurts the wildlife so
bad is because the animal will not have any shelter, food, water, or the right
amount of nutrients it needs to survive causing them to go off into unknown or
rural areas. Major causes of their loss of habitat are logging, global warming,
and pollution. Logging for example cuts all the animals’ surroundings down to
where they will not have a place to live or their vegetation to keep and
maintain to be a healthy animal causing the animal to die of starvation or
diseases they have gotten from being away from their natural habitats. Global
warming causes loss of habitat because it affects the animal’s niche so they
will not be able to adapt to colder or harsh weather if they are not used to it
causing their vegetation to die off and leaving them off to die. Pollution is
killing off most of the animals because people riding down the road want to
throw their trash out causing the trash get in to the animal’s environment
which the animals eat it and makes them die. Loss of habitat is mainly people
as a whole because the human population is destroying the animal’s habit so
they will not be able to survive.
One thing that most people that
should be concerned with about is when pesticides and toxic chemical come into
contact with certain animals and plants that we eat every day causing people to
get sick and not knowing why. Toxic Chemicals can come into contact with
animals when people that dump waste such as different oils, nuclear waste, and
different pesticides into to the wildlife environment causing the animal to
become sick. Many people eat animals causing people to get sick thanks to the
others who dumped the waste in to the animal’s environment. For example, a
company is demanded by their boss to go and dump different waste that is very
harmful to wildlife in their environment. The wildlife comes and eats their
vegetation as normal gets sick because of somebody’s mistake which make the
certain species dies off making the animal to either become endangered or even
From poachers, loss of habitat, and
pesticides/toxic chemicals, people are the main cause that the wildlife
population is diminishing very rapidly. Without wildlife conservation laws put
into place many of the animals would be instinct.
Good blog, thought about become a dnr awhile ago so I like where you are coming from.
ReplyDeleteThe title of the blog caught my attention. I like to hunt and be around wildlife. I found the blog to be quite informative. I do agree that humans are the main cause of wildlife diminishing. Great blog!