Monday, October 14, 2013

Daria Desires

         MonDesire made some strong and compelling statements that were very easy to be convinced by.  

agree with her argument about racism playing a part in the majority of most government operations.  

Anytime a person is forced to do something against their will it is wrong, but when statistics show that a 

noticeably higher percentage of those victims are of a minority, it is prejudice.  MonDesire argued 

that the problem could be minimized if Customs officials would just search everyone who travels out of 

the country rather than picking those whom they wish to search because they look suspicious.  Also, 

she strongly believed that she was singled out because of her race.  For Example, MonDesire stated that 

she was the only African American on her flight, and that no other person on that flight was strip 

searched.  In another statement, she mentioned a searched fifteen year old who traveled with her 

caucasian mother and aunt, who were not searched. This information gives indication that African 

Americans are prejudged before they are ever given a chance.  Being that she was raped, the search 

played a part to her emotion breakdown.  I felt like if they would have picked more people off that 

flight that she wouldn’t felt as bad about the search.  Searching people before you get on your flight is 

something that frequent flyers have to go through but don’t single people out because of their race. 

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